The concept of ultrasound is the brainchild of biologist Lazzaro Spallanzani. It dates back to 1974 when he discovered that bats navigate in the dark using high-frequency sound.
Fast-forward a little, and we have ultrasound technology that allows doctors to monitor the development of the fetus. It’s not just the tech that has come a long way; the traditions around announcing pregnancies have evolved and developed, too.
With the holidays just around the corner, these are some festive ideas to use your ultrasound to either announce or celebrate the coming arrival of your little one.
Keeping it Simple: Ultrasound Picture in a Card
For some people, art was never their strong subject at school, no harm, it's not a crime; don’t feel like you need to go beyond a simple card to make a significant impact this holiday season!
Simply insert the ultrasound picture as part of your annual Christmas card. Other than picking a special card that has a little more oomph to it than your usual, don’t feel like you need to do anything extra.
Just imagine the reaction when your loved ones open their yearly holiday card only to find an ultrasound photo inside, they’ll be shocked! The ultrasound is a very unexpected addition, giving them the surprise of the season.
Beyond the Standard Ultrasound Picture
Of course, there are ways to add some extra holiday cheer to your ultrasound picture. And no, you don’t need a university degree or any additional and significant investment to make it happen!
Framing Your Ultrasound
One of the best ways to give the ultrasound pride of place is by framing the picture. This is great for those in your family who will love to display your fantastic news; your parents (future grandparents) are the best candidates for this present.
Do consider this gift carefully if expanding beyond the immediate family, nay, the future grandparents. It may add a little undue pressure to have to display your ultrasound photo, as happy as they are for you!
Add a Baby Bump Photo
In addition to the ultrasound photo, you can add a snap of your baby bump. It’s a cute way to let your friends and family know you’re expecting but with a festive twist.
Here’s an idea for you: wrap your bump as you would a present, with a big fancy bow around it. Add a gift tag where you can write in BIG LETTERS that the present should not be opened until your due date.
Or, if you want to keep things simple, take a photo of yourself, cupping the bump, and a photo of your ultrasound with your tree in the background. It’s festive, the bump and ultrasound tell the story, and it’s easy to do without having to go all out.
Ultrasound in a Tree Decoration Photo Frame
We love this one: presenting your ultrasound photo in a tree decoration frame. They sell these in various sizes, from small, subtle varieties to those that have a little more, let’s say, presence.
Another similar idea is to use a photo frame magnet, which your family members can place on their fridge as a decoration. Pick a festive one to stay within the theme, of course!
The ‘Hidden’ Ultrasound
This one adds a bit of a surprise factor. Instead of making the ultrasound photo the main event, hide it amongst festive photos you plan on sending your family.
You can also be a little sneaky about it. For example, have the ultrasound photo in the background of another one. And with each photo, making it more and more obvious as it comes to light. The last photo can then be the ultrasound itself, for those who didn’t notice!
Adding a Santa Hat (and Other Accessories)
Adding a Santa hat is a cute way to add a festive element to your ultrasound photo. You can use cardstock paper to make it look more professional, making the hat just a little bit oversized to emphasise your baby’s wee dimensions!
If you’re not artistically inclined, don’t worry, there are plenty of PDF templates available with just a quick search online. These will let you ‘slot in’ your photo in an existing template, making it super easy to customise your own.
Warning: Ultrasound Photos Fade (and a Solution!)
Just imagine, you have a nice little frame of your ultrasound, either on your wall, or your desk, and realise, to your horror, that the photo has faded completely. And you have no backup.
First, have a backup. Whether it’s on a hard drive somewhere or a physical copy safely stored away in a cool and dry environment.
Second, to help you gift your ultrasound photo in a way that will last, why not create a festive ‘memory box’? You can add a cute photo, like some of those ideas we have already discussed, a small gift, or anything else that you think would make a cute addition.
Of course, decorate it festively! For instance, wrap it up in a nice holiday-themed ribbon. Once the holidays are over, the recipient can remove it and keep the memory box.
Keep It to Close Friends and Family
For best results, we recommend limiting your ultrasound pictures to presents to your family and very close friends. First, it’s an intimate moment between you and the recipient. Sending it to a colleague may be a little inappropriate, for example.
There Is No ‘Right’ Way
Before we send you off, remember that there is no ‘right’ way to do this. All of our guidelines are simply recommendations for you to consider; every situation is different, and you know your friends and family best.
Also, don’t feel that you need to go beyond the ultrasound picture on its own. It’s more than enough to create a special memory for a loved one; don’t get taken in by TikTok or Instagram trends.
They can be great for inspiration, but can also create artificial expectations. This is your unique experience, one you want to share with those close to you. That’s all that matters!